White White Taiyuan

Title is funny because it was snowing and Taiyuan was white. Also, I was (and presumably still am) white, which for Taiyuan, is an unusual circumstance, made even more so since it was the Spring Festival.

It was a fun time though and I ate a lot of good food. Here are some pictures I took:

A scary lion! (preening of course)

My favorite shot which was more of an accident. I like the colors.

Simple shot of a window I liked. I like that it looks like it could actually be on the ground, filled with water, but it’s just glass inset into the wall.

A lamp post.

For the People.

Obligatory Picture of Dog. Thug life and all that.

Not my favorite shot (it’s cluttered), but I think it’s spooky.


That’s it for now. Look for more updates with shots from Hong Kong. I need to use more lenses.

